
Day 1 (9th of May 2024); 2h

Registration lntroduction and welcomeRafa Fernández Chacón, Ignacio Jiménez
Cristina Calvo, Olaf Neth
17.30-18.00To ChatGPT or Not To ChatGPT?Nigel Curtis
18.30-19.00How to keep out of trouble? -the interplay of infection and immunitySteve Holland
19.00-20.00Interactive case discussions (n=3)Dani Blazquez/Pere Soler

Day 2 (10th of May 2024); 7.5h

9.00-9.30Anti-meningococcal vaccine:
protection beyond the vaccine serogroup
José Tomás Ramos
9.30-10.00TB in children: lights,shadows and
greys in the 21st century
Begoña Santiago
10.00-10.30IFI (1)- A practica! clinical approachBegoña Carazo
10.30-11.30lnteractive case discussions (n=3)P Olbrich/Cristina Calvo
11.30-12.00Coffee break
12.00-12.30Management of osteoarticular infectionsCristina Calvo
12.30-13.001º and 2º HLH-
when to think and how to act
Despina Moshous
13.00-13.30Gl complications in patients with lnborn errors of immunityOlaf Neth
14.30-15.00How interferons "interfere"Steve Holland
15.00-15.30Zoonotic Diseases at your doorstepTon Noguera
15.30-16.00GBS colonization and invasion-
Who determines what?
Eleni Vergadi
16.00-16.30Coffee break
16.30-17.00TORCH-so much more to think ofDani Blazquez
16.30-17.00Health Care in children-
Achievements and ongoing challenges
Lola Madrid
17.00-18.00lnteractive case discussions (n=3)Walter Goycochea/ Natalia Mendoza

Day 3 (11th of May 2024); 4h

9.00-10.00MDRs -when the drugs don't work- tricky tricky...Susana Melendo/Walter Goycochea
10.00-10.30IFI (2)- current challengesNatalia Mendoza
10.30-11.00Coffee break
11.00-11.30BCG: the Good,the Bad and the UglyNigel Curtís
11.30-12.00SCID and beyond-keep an open mindDespina Moshous
12.00-13.00lnteractive case discussions (n=3)Begoña Santiago /Eieni Vergadi
13.00-13.30Evaluation/Discussions/Closing remarksAll